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Vocabulary Development

How to Use the Napping House to Promote Language and Early Literacy Skills

  If you are a parent to a young child, a speech language pathologist, or an educator, The Napping House by Audrey and Don Wood is the perfect addition to your library. Amazon affiliate links have been included. In this post, I’ll explain...

In the Arctic Language Development Fun

Every winter I incorporate speech and language goals into an arctic themed lesson that I create and adapt for my clients in elementary school. Here's what I've been doing: I purchased a few bags of beans and a tub of mini figurines at the arts and...

Build Your Child’s Vocabulary with Synonyms and Antonyms

Vocabulary size is extremely important in developing reading skills. "Children with larger vocabularies become better readers, writers, thinkers, and overall communicators." - Kimberly Scanlon, M.A., CCC-SLP An excellent way to grow your...

How to Make Connections While Reading with Your Child

  Interested in developing your child’s oral language skills? How about his reading comprehension? Or, even his metacognition (awareness of one’s knowledge)? If the answer is yes to any of these questions, then you should...

Vocabulary Development: How to Use a Describer Reading Style

According to research, the describer reading style greatly improves vocabulary acquisition in children, especially those with smaller vocabularies.  Therefore, if you are a parent with concerns, an educator, or a speech language...

Vocabulary Development: Show Enthusiasm for Word Learning

When was the last time you learned a new word? OR, when was the last time you heard a word that tickled your fancy and made you think, "Wow, I want to use that word too?"  Were you excited to use it? Did you show any enthusiasm? If you want your...

Vocabulary Development: Why is it good to re-read the same books to your children?

Vocabulary Development: Why is it good to re-read the same books to your children? They say, “Variety is the spice of life”, but according to research toddlers and preschoolers build their vocabularies faster when they are re-read the same...

A Great Dictionary for School-Age Children with Student Friendly Definitions

Have you ever looked up a word in a dictionary to discover that you still don't know what the word means? Unfortunately, this happens quite often - especially to young children. This is because most household dictionaries are primarily...

7 Ways to Improve Your Preschooler’s Vocabulary through Conversation

7 Ways to Improve Your Preschooler's Vocabulary through Conversation Adults speak less to children whose oral language skills are under-developed. It’s the sad truth. Children who need language stimulation the most, get it the least. If I...