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Under the Sea: A Thematic Ocean Speech Therapy Unit (A Review)
Under the Sea: A Thematic Ocean Speech Therapy Unit (A Review)
A few months ago I had the pleasure of virtually meeting, Kristin Cummings, a fellow speech language pathologist and creator of Simply Speech. I was honored when Kristin offered to review my book, My Toddler Talks: Strategies and Activities to Promote Your Child’s Language Development. To read Kristin’s thorough and detailed review, please click here.
Through this encounter I was able to learn more about Simply Speech – I am VERY impressed. Kristin is the creator of more than 153 fantastic speech therapy products and resources available for purchase on Teachers Pay Teachers. If you’re a speech language pathologist you can incorporate her products into your speech therapy sessions or if you’re a parent her products are perfect for practicing and reinforcing certain concepts or targets at home.
Since I LOVE summer as much as Olaf, I opted to try Kristin’s Under the Sea! TpT product. I tested the material not only with my daughter, but also with several of my clients.
Kristin’s Under the Sea! Kit can be used to target the following goals:
- Vocabulary
- Concept of same/different
- Phonemic Awareness
- Prepositions
- Following Directions
- Colors
- Articulation (word/sentence level)
Here’s what’s included in it:
- Vocabulary cards (14 colorful pictures of various sea creatures)
- A Phonemic Awareness Kit (Each sea creature will only eat foods that have the same beginning sounds as their name.)
- Prepositions (Complete the sentence with the correction preposition that describes the picture)
- BINGO GAME and calling cards
- Following directions coloring activity
- Articulation coloring pages
How I Used it:
First, I laminated the vocabulary cards with my inexpensive but awesome Swingline GBC Laminator and 3 Mil Clear Letter Size Thermal Laminating Pouches.
Then, depending on my client’s abilities and attention spans, I either had them match the cards into pairs, had a scavenger hunt by hiding the cards throughout my office, or turned it into a sensory activity by hiding them in bin of beans.
I also laminated the phonemic awareness worksheets as well as the Under the Sea Prepositions! (Only showing a few pictures of this product!) and had my clients use dry erase markers to circle the correct answers. Children seem to think writing on laminated sheets is so much cooler than writing with pencils or crayons!
Kristin’s coloring worksheets (Following Directions Under the Sea! And Under the Sea Speech Homework) are adorable too. Depending on my clients’ goals, I made copies for them to complete as part of their home program.
I haven’t yet had a chance to use the Bingo Game and calling cards – but know I will very soon.
All in all, I loved Kristin’s Under the Sea! A Thematic Unit, especially its affordable price ($3.50).
Being a TpT’s product, it’s also nice that you can save it to your computer and print copies for individual use in your classroom/therapy. However, copying for other professionals, sharing the file directly on the internet, or sharing or reselling of this item is strictly prohibited.
I recommend this product and look forward to using it throughout the summer!
Once again, please visit Kristin’s store to check out all of her other wonderful products!
For more summer inspired books and products may also like reading:
Ocean Themed Summer Books for Language Learning
A Toddler Summer Book to Build Language: At the Beach
Summer Speech Therapy Books for Preschoolers
A Summer Song and Book to Improve Your Toddler’s Language: Baby Beluga
Amazon Affiliate Links have been included for your convenience.
Kimberly Scanlon, M.A. CCC-SLP is a speech language pathologist, an author and a mother. As the owner of Scanlon Speech Therapy, LLC, a unique boutique practice in Bergen County, Kimberly embraces individuality and treats the whole person. Her goal is to spread compassion, hope, and some speech, language and literacy tips one moment, one person at a time. Her first book, My Toddler Talks: Strategies and Activities to Promote Your Child’s Language Development and her second book, Learning to Read is a Ball
are available for purchase online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.